Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well I have been fighting a bad losing streak. Somehow I've managed to stay even online. I'm hovering around $30 after suffering a $35 losing streak. I played a casino tournament in Oklahoma this weekend and I believe I player well until I was dealt great cards. I was doing pretty well in the tournament and I was a middle stack at the 2 hour point. Let me know this is a $30 rebuy tournament so I've only bought in once, not too bad so far. I get dealt pocket aces one off the button. Perfect, I think. I need to really maximize the amount of money I win this hand. I've been playing pretty tight so when I limp in for $1000, the table knows I must have a hand. There are 5 callers and the flop comes jack queen 7. A dream flop in my mind and I can't wait for the action to get to me. Big stack raises 1000 and next in line raises to 2500. I'm a little worried but I have to raise here, I decide it's time to push and I throw the remaining 7400 of my chips in the pot. Big stack and raiser both call. They check it down and we flip our cards. Big stack first showing queen 4. Top pair but not much. I show my aces thinking I've just tripled up, but raiser turns over jack queen off. Two pair on the flop and a heartbreaker for me. At first I'm outraged that I lost with pocket aces, then I examined my play. Why would I not raise with 2 limps in front of me? I got greedy and let my cards get in the way of my brain. If I had raised pre flop jack queen would have probably folded, cutting his losses. Instead I let him limp into a flop and he hit two pair and dominated my big starting hand. Now opinions differ about how to play aces, but the facts don't lie. When you enter a pot with 5 other hands the odds of pocket aces winning are no longer 80% but much much lower. Probably only around 40 to 50%. Not good odds at all compared to before. What would you have done? Limp or bet? If bet do you think 3x the big blind is enough to get the other guys off their hands?

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